Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Yummy Treat from the Netherlands

This tasty-looking treat comes to me
from Reina in the Netherlands.
Reina tells me that when a woman has a baby in the Netherlands,
she is presented with these biscuits (cookies) that are sprinkled with
anise-flavored sweets (they call the sweets 'mouses').
If the woman has a girl, she gets pink 'mouses' and if she has a boy,
she gets blue 'mouses'.
Reina said she chose this card for me because I am a mother,
a grandmother, and a great-grandmother!
Thank you, Reina, you are a 'sweet' lady!

These two unique stamps
brought Reina's card to me.
The one on the left looks
like a can of peas.
The stamp on the right is
a recipe, but I don't think
I'll be making it because I
can't read Dutch!

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