Friday, January 2, 2009

Half-timbered houses of the Schwarzwald

I received this card with the beautiful
half-timbered houses that are typical
of the Black Forest region of Germany.
I have always loved these houses. When we were
in Germany, we visited the Black Forest and
the town of Triberg. It was wonderful!
The card was sent to me by a new Postcrosser,
Janett, who lives in Kirchdorf, Germany.
She wrote her postcard in German, which I loved.
She says that she is married and has two children.
She also said, 'Momentan sike ich neben unseren Weihnachts
baum und geniesse die Ruhe, denn die kinder schlafen schoen.'
(At the moment, I am sitting near our Christmas tree
and enjoying the peace, as the children are sleeping.')
I hope I translated that right!
Thank you, Janett, for the beautiful card
and the beautiful 'word picture' of your Christmas
These pretty stamps brought my Schwarzwalder
card to San Antonio.

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