Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ahh=h=h=h! Schoene Ulm!

I received this card from my newest penpal,
Gabi, who was born in Ulm and now lives in
Weissenhorn. If you have never been to Ulm, you
cannot imagine what a beautiful old city it is!
Gabi shares my love of this city and, since Weissenhorn
is very close by, she can visit it often.
I found out, too, that Gabi and her husband, Klaus,
got married in the Muenster (above) and,
not only that, they got married while we were
living in Ulm. I wish I had known her then so that
I could have been at her wedding!
Thank you, Gabi, for the great card and for bringing
up so many great memories of Ulm!

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