Lori sent me this wonderful picture of beautifuldowntown Providence, the capital city of Rhode
Island. Back in 1968, when we were living on
Cape Cod, the providence TV stations usually
gave us our best reception. One of them, as a promotion,
had a sweepstakes and asked people to send in
their addresses for a drawing. If their name was
drawn, they had 15 minutes to call the station and
claim the prize, All the letters were put into a huge
drum for the drawing. John, who was in the fifth
grade at the time, insisted on sending in his name.
I told him to look at that big drum of letters, trying
to tell him there was very little chance of his winning.
However, he insisted, and we sent in his name.
Lo and behold, they drew it and John won a little
black-and-white TV set! He was so proud of it!
He kept it for years, and even took it to college with
him. Later, he gave it to his girlfriend, who is
now his wife, Laurie! Isn't that a great story?
Thank you, Lori, for the wonderful card and memories!